Twilight Eclipse

Twilight EclipseThe film, Twilight Eclipse is absolutely my favorite of the series so far!

I was lucky enough to get tickets on June 30th and went with my youngest son and my oldest son’s girlfriend. The theater was XD which must be like an Imax screen or something because the faces were huge. It felt like the actors were falling off the screen into our laps (which is not a criticism :))

The following Sunday, I saw Eclipse again with two of my sons and a girlfriend with her two sons,  and was really able to take it all in. My first impression had been that the film didn’t stick to the book because things were definitely happening out of order.

But really, I was only aware of that fact because I’d just finished reading Eclipse again before seeing the movie. So the second time around, it was easier to see how smooth the screenplay was at weaving the whole story into 2 hours. (more…)

Twilight 2: New Moon Movie Review

twilight new moonWell, the wait is definitely over!

The long awaited sequel to Twilight is New Moon starring Rob Pattinson as Edward Cullen (go Team Edward), Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black  had a killer weekend opening. Reports state that the second in the movie franchise collected $140.7 million this past opening weekend which puts it third on the all time list in the US.

My sons and I looked forward greatly to attending the film. I bought our tickets a week ahead of time for a Saturday afternoon showing. We sat in a packed theater, too close to the screen and endured screaming teenage girls throughout the entire movie.

Only one of my sons had read the book. I wasn’t certain if someone who hadn’t read the story would enjoy the movie but he absolutely did.

The story seemed to move slowly and yet contained all the necessary scenes and dialogue to capture the novel. New Moon was my least favorite of the books so I was reluctantly looking forward to the film. The production values have improved tremendously over Twilight and I for one appreciated the larger feel of the film. (more…)