Social Media MarketingWe’re talking social media marketing and rather than assume you’ve heard of LinkedIn (though I just can’t imagine that you haven’t) let me remind you. LinkedIn is “the” website for professional networking. So unlike Facebook which has a more friends and family type of feel to it, or Twitter with its fast paced micro blogging atmosphere, LinkedIn is where business people network in the virtual world.

One of the many uses of LinkedIn is a job search. That’s for both people looking to become employed as well as those wanting to change jobs. You know somewhere in the vicinity of 88 out of the Fortune 100 companies use LinkedIn for recruitment.

Did you know that you can actually add media to your LinkedIn profile? Yes, there is the opportunity to add photography, video and more visual media to your profile to help you tell your story and to make your profile stand out from the crowd. A profile on LinkedIn can be much more than an online resume.

This is a Slideshare presentation that gives you five examples of LinkedIn profiles that do a good job of adding rich media to their profile. Check it out because it will give you a good visual reference for what I want to share with you on social media marketing with LinkedIn. Lest you think that your career doesn’t lend itself to LinkedIn, note that the five profile examples include a Chef, a TV sports reporter, a motorcycle adventurer, make-up artist, and professional writer.

LinkedIn has a method for users to include a portfolio of work, which can include photographs, video, PowerPoint presentations or PDF reports and white papers.

Using LinkedIn For Social Media Marketing

First you need to have a LinkedIn profile. If you don’t already, signup at Next, make sure you fill out your profile as completely as possible. Use a clear, in focus and current head shot in your profile so viewers can easily identify you. It really is a huge turn off for users to view a profile that has no head shot or the profile image is unprofessional (you drinking beer at a Mets game, you know who you are).

If you already have a profile, and I really, really hope you do, then I encourage you to look at your “portfolio” of work (remember that doesn’t mean just the artsy types, the creatives in the room) you may have a good PowerPoint, white paper, or PDF report that you frequently use with potential clients. Take that media and follow LinkedIn’s instructions for making it part of your “portfolio”.

If you’ve got nothin’ in terms of media. Never fear. You can create an image of a client testimonial. What do I mean by that? Similar to those motivational quotes you’ve seen on posters, you can take a short testimonial from an agreeable client and have their quote placed on an appropriate background image. The image can be a plain solid background or representative of you or your brand or product. Use the new testimonial image in your “portfolio”. Anyone, regardless of vocation or industry or compliance issues can have a portfolio on LinkedIn that makes your profile stand out from the competition.

Believe it or not, SEO (search engine optimization) plays a role in social media marketing, especially on LinkedIn. Using keywords in your profile description and headings can definitely help you get found before your competition. Just take care not to stuff the keywords you want to be professionally associated with into every available space on your profile. People read those profiles, not just search engines and it’s the people you need to appeal to because they are who will hire you.

Listen to ACT LOCAL Marketing Business Podcast Episode 74 published May 6th 2014 for in depth tips on social media marketing with LinkedIn.