by The Boomer Gal | Dec 11, 2013 | Marketing
Planning is an opportunity. It’s a chance to review how the current plan is working (provided you have a current plan). And it’s the time to reexamine current goals moving forward.
Where your marketing strategy is concerned – planning is EVERYTHING. Sure it’s fun to come up with new ideas and easy to get excited about the latest this or that. And while those are the moments a creative mind adores, they are merely the tip of iceberg in terms of planning your marketing strategy. (more…)
by The Boomer Gal | Aug 29, 2013 | Marketing
Let’s talk about influence marketing. Influence is the ability to convince other’s or have an effect on their decisions. In marketing, we want to be able to influence the customer’s buying decision, ultimately, right? We want to have an effect on their decision to do business with us.
Hopefully you’ve heard of the very famous book by Robert Cialdini, a psychology professor, that was written in 1984 called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It’s probably the best book every written on the subject and in that book, Cialdini outlines six principles of influence. (more…)
by The Boomer Gal | Jul 15, 2013 | Sales Tips
A Sales Strategy for Relationship Builders
While there are many, many, many of you who have chosen to be business owners, I would venture to guess that fewer of you have had formal sales training or had to develop a sales strategy. When you decided to become a business owner, you didn’t necessarily make that decision with all the facts in place. You did it out of passion for your work, which is great and I think more important really. Who doesn’t want to feel passionate about what they get to do at their job everyday, it makes life so much more enjoyable.
But once you open the doors to your business, you are suddenly responsible for everything which includes bringing in new business and that makes you the chief of sales strategy. I never worked for the type of company that had sales training so learning how to bring in business so that I would get the opportunity to do what I love was something I had to learn quickly. (more…)
by The Boomer Gal | Jun 12, 2013 | Marketing

Brand narrative has been changing thanks to digital marketing and social media. No surprise there right?
The basics of a brand narrative I believe boil down to concepts like those in the following quotes.
From Douglas Rushkoff, an author on media theory who said,
“We use stories to understand our world, orient ourselves, motivate our employees, communicate our brand values and even tout our stock valuation.”
by The Boomer Gal | May 7, 2013 | Marketing
The Sponsorship Dilema
There are three levels of sponsorship, or three tiers. Tier 1 is local like a chamber of commerce, networking, philanthropy event, but local. It’s right in your own backyard. Tier 2 is national like Be The Change Event I sponsored in Orlando. It’s a broader exposure. And finally, is Tier 3 which is International and can be much more corporate. They can also be big, really big events. Which makes sense, their International.
Let’s assume that sponsoring is new to you or that you’ve worked your way to a certain level, you’re already at Tier 1 or maybe even Tier 2. (more…)
by The Boomer Gal | Feb 26, 2013 | Marketing
Want to know how to start a book that you’ll actually finish?

I’m speaking to the writer inside you; that person who wants to know how to start a book that you have a prayer of actually finishing. Yeah, you thought I didn’t know, right? Didn’t know that secretly, deep down, you’ve always wanted to write a book, see your name on a book shelf at the library or Barnes and Noble.
But I knew, I knew ALL along that you secretly held that little spark inside that wants to be heard. And I also know that you’ve tried, maybe more than once, to write a book but the task is BIG and you don’t know where to begin.